Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Fallout D6: Character Templates!

An iconic feature of the D6 games is the use of character templates, which are somewhere between custom and pre-generated characters, that can can get a group playing quickly.  Character templates in D6 games tend to be chock-full of theme or campaign flavor, so I’ve tried to do the same for these.

Many of the 13 character templates here are reminiscent of characters from the game series, and can be used or adapted for any Fallout D6 campaign.  A couple are unique to the ‘Lanta Wasteland setting I’m creating for this series.  

As is standard for D6 games, players have 7D to distribute among skills.  Suggested skills for each template are in bold.  No more than 2D can be assigned to one skill, and three skill specializations can be purchased for 1D.  

PDF downloads are Google Drive links.  A blank sheet for custom characters is here.

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