Friday, June 14, 2024

Fallout D6: Character Perks and Traits

One of the most well-known features of the Fallout series of games is the system of Traits and Perks that allow a player to customize their character to their preferred play style.  At this point, there are practically hundreds of them between the different games, so I’ve tried to pick a good number of the “classics” that are available in most of the games plus more than a few that I feel translate well to the table-top RPG environment.  I then extrapolated from  Advantages, Disadvantages, and Special Abilities in the D6 Adventure/Space/Fantasy games to marry their concepts with the D6 rules, and figure some fair(ish) character point costs for them.  Of course, none of these are tested for any sort of balance, so they could be open to exploit (just like in the video games!)

I took some creative liberties with a few in ways that I think add interest or roleplaying opportunities.  I even came up with a couple of new Traits: Old World Blues for scavenger types and Dixie Daredevil, which will be unique to the sandbox setting I’m devising for Fallout D6, but can be used in any campaign featuring vehicles.

I apologize in advance if your favorite Trait or Perk is not on this list.  Better yet, write up your own version of it and share it on the comments below!

Perks and Traits

Perks are special features that can enhance the character’s attributes and skills, unlock new abilities, or provide exceptions to general rules.  Perks are purchased with character points, and most have an above-average attribute or skill requirement before they can purchased.  A general skill is enough to fulfill the requirements of a specialization, but not the other way around.  Some Perks have one or more Ranks (as shown by a number next to the “R”) and can be purchased multiple times for enhanced benefit.

Perks indicated as “Traits” typically have an advantage or ability coupled with some disadvantage or drawback.  Optionally, a player may take up to two (2) Perks labeled “Traits” at character creation for free.  Traits may not be purchased after character creation unless they have a character point cost.

Action Boy/Girl (R1, 30 points)

Prerequisites: Agility 3D
Effect: You can multitask in combat like a many-armed god of war!  Your first action does not count when figuring a multi-action penalty.

Adamantium Skeleton (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: Your skeleton is enhanced with with Pre-War technology or mutation.   You gain +1D to Endurance when resisting damage specifically against your limbs.

Animal Friend (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisites: Charisma 3D, Outdoorsman 3D
Effect: You are a beast-master!  With this perk, you may use Charisma or speech to pacify animals in the Wasteland and keep them from becoming hostile.  You are not actually communicating with the animal as much as establishing rapport through the power of your primal presence, or maybe you’re just a sucker for cute puppies and kitties!  This roll is resisted by the animal’s Perception or Strength (whichever is greater.)  "Animals" refers to creatures based on Pre-War fauna, mutated or otherwise such as molerats, mongrel dogs, and even radscorpions or yao guai but not abominations like centaurs or deathclaws.   A Critical Success with this perk results in the animal temporarily following and assisting you for the rest of the adventure.  At the GM’s discretion, and depending on your treatment of the animal, (with further Charisma-based rolls,) it may become a long-term, loyal companion.

Aquaboy/Aquagirl (R1-2, 10 points per rank)

Prerequisites: Endurance 3D
Effect: You may be part radfish.  At Rank 1, you have a +3D bonus to Endurance to resist radiation damage while submerged in irradiated water.  At Rank 2, you gain a +2 bonus to sneak totals while moving underwater.

Awareness (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D
Effect: There is little that you miss.  You have a +3 bonus to Perception-based totals when trying to notice small, but significant details.   This may include:

  • Sniffing out an ambush
  • Noticing a hidden weapon
  • Determining ammo on an opponent’s held weapon by counting shots, or the glow and color of indicator lights on their energy weapon.
  • Judging approximate number of Body Points left based on an opponent’s visual condition (Wounded, Severely Wounded, etc.)
  • Investigating an area for small clues that might point to hidden things.

Basher (R1, 5 points)

Prerequisite: Strength 3D, small guns 3D
Effect: Your firearm isn’t only for shooting!  You gain a +2 bonus to damage when bashing an opponent with the butt of a pistol or rifle.

Better Criticals (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D, Agility 2D+2
Effect: Your attacks are precise and deadly!  Whenever you score a Critical Success with a combat skill roll, you may spend a Luck point to double damage dice for that attack.

Big Leagues (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Strength and Endurance 3D
Effect: You’re a natural, kid!  You gain a +1 bonus per rank to athlete, melee weapons, and throwing skill totals.

Black Widow/Lady Killer (R1, Trait, 15 points)

Prerequisite: Charisma 2D+1
Effect: Your sex-appeal grants you a +3 bonus to Charisma-based totals with members of your preferred sex, and they are more receptive to amorous overtures (GM’s discretion.)  You also gain a +1 bonus to damage against them (before or after the honeymoon is over.)  You may purchase this Perk twice for both versions, but now you’re just being greedy.

Note: This perk can be taken by ghouls and robots, but it generally only works against others of their own species type, or at the GM’s discretion, the rare human who may be into them (we don’t judge.)  Super mutants may not purchase this perk, since meat is for killing and eating, not whatever it is stupid humans do.

Blitz (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisites: Agility 3D, athlete 3D
Effect: You can close the distance with frightening speed.  Your first move action before an attack does not count towards a multi-action penalty.  This perk stacks with Action Boy/Action Girl.

Bloody Mess (R1-3, Trait, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: none (just being a sick puppy)
Effect: You can’t help your savagery in combat.  You gain a +1 bonus to all damage per rank, and the wounds you cause tend to be horrifying, with deaths involving sprays of blood and bursting body parts that defy the laws of physics and decency.  At the GM’s discretion, this may produce a negative reaction from your opponent’s allies (“Look what he did to poor Clem!  Get ‘im!”,) or cause a panic with innocent bystanders, which may run for safety, bar their windows, or otherwise refuse to deal with you in fear and disgust.  You must also succeed at a Moderate Perception roll to resist killing an enemy in combat if you need to keep them alive for any reason.

Bonus Move (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Endurance or Agility 3D
Effect: You are light and quick on your feet!  You gain an additional two (2) meters per rank to our Move score.

Bruiser (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: You are built like brick outhouse, or just plain corn-fed, regardless of your actual Strength.  You gain a +1 bonus to all Strength-based totals (including damage,) but tend to be slower, and suffer an addition -1 penalty to multiple actions in combat.

Chemist (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisites: doctor 3D or science:chemistry 5D
Effect: Your intimate knowledge of chemistry and precise dosages means chems work twice as long for you, or when you administer them to others.  You may also manufacture chems with the right equipment and supplies.

Chem Reliant (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: You tend to fall off the chem wagon and get right back on it…repeatedly.  Recovering from addiction only takes you 1D days, but you suffer a -2D penalty to Perception to resist becoming addicted to chems (again.)

Chem Resistant (R1, Trait, 5 points)

Prerequisites: Endurance 2D+2
Effect: Your body has developed a tolerance to chems due to repeated use.  Chems have one lower addiction rating for you, but their duration time is halved.

Commando (R1, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisites: small guns: combat rifles or submachine guns 5D
Effect: You are either a trained operator or a "tacti-cool" aficionado.  You have a +1 bonus per rank to the aim action and called shots in V.A.T.S. when using submachine guns and combat rifles.

Concentrated Fire (R1, 5 points)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D, small guns or energy weapons 5D
Effect: You are a sharpshooter, gaining a +1 bonus when using called shots in V.A.T.S. to attack specific body parts.

Critical Banker (R1, 20 points)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: When you roll a Critical Success on the Wild Die, you may spend a Luck point to “save” it and apply it to another skill roll later in the adventure instead of rerolling the Wild Die.  If you don't use it by the end of the adventure, you regain the spent Luck point.

Demolition Expert (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: explosives 5D
Effect: You have a love for powerful pyrotechnics.  Explosive devices you use or set gain a +1D bonus to damage, and an additional, 20% increase to their blast radius.

Dixie Daredevil (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: pilot: car 3D
Effect:  You were born with a steering wheel in your hand, suckling the icy reactor coolant that now runs through your veins to your fearless, turbo-nuclear heart.  You gain a +2 bonus to pilot skill totals and the difficulties for risky stunts with a vehicle are lowered by three (3.)  However, you must succeed at a Moderate Perception roll to resist taking the riskiest options possible while driving in dangerous terrain or engaged in vehicle combat.  “Risky” in this case means maneuvers that could result in damage to your vehicle (or yourself.)

Earlier Sequence (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D
Effect: You have quick reflexes, gaining a +1 per rank to Agility rolls when determining initiative.

Educated (R1-3, 10 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Intelligence 3D
Effect: You are a curious, life-long learner.  Learning and improving skills costs one (1) less character point per rank (1 minimum.)  You may also learn new, untrained skills from books or magazines instead of a teacher.

Empathy (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisite: Charisma, Perception, and Intelligence 3D
Effect: You have have a keen sense of people’s emotional state, social cues, and can put people at ease – what they called “emotional intelligence” in Pre-War, corporate America.  Non-player characters (NPCs) can’t help having a more positive demeanor when interacting with you.  For example, suspicious NPCs might feel indifferently towards you, friendly NPCs might be more trusting, and hostile NPCs may just threaten you.

Explorer (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D, Outdoorsman 5D
Effect: You have a knack for finding undiscovered places.  When traveling the Wasteland map towards an undiscovered adventure location, your difficulty to get lost is reduced by five (5.)  Terrain difficulties to return to the nearest, known settlement are also reduced by the same amount.

Faster Healing (R1-3, 15 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Endurance 3D 

Effect: You bounce back from injury more quickly than others, whether due to a robust constitution or a level of mutation just shy of ghouldom!  Regardless, you gain +1D per rank to Endurance for all natural healing attempts, and a Critical Failure is treated as 1, rather than having a negative effect on the die roll.

Note: Ghouls are considered to already have one rank in this perk and purchasing it improves it to the next rank.

Fast Metabolism (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: none

Effect: Your circulatory system processes chemicals and toxins quickly.  You gain a +2 bonus to Endurance rolls for natural healing, but a -2 to resist radiation and poison damage.

Fast Shot (R1, Trait, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D+2
Effect: You are quick on the draw.  Producing a weapon does not count as an extra action in combat for you, but you cannot use the aim action while taking advantage of this perk.  This Perk stacks with Action Boy/Action Girl.

Finesse (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none

Effect: You prefer precise attacks in combat at the expense of power.  You score a Critical Success with combat damage on a 5 or 6 on the Wild Die, but you suffer a -2D penalty to all damage (minimum 1D.)

Flower Child (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisite: Endurance 3D
Effect: You can handle your chems, man!  As a connoisseur of recreational narcotics, you enjoy a +1D bonus to Perception rolls to resist addiction, and if already addicted, double the time between chem uses before withdrawal symptoms kick in.  Far out!

Fortune Finder (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: You have a knack for scavenging valuable stuff!  *Before* opening any container in the Wasteland to see what’s inside, you may spend a Luck point to double the amount of expendable items such as ammo, and chems, or the value of any caps, or junk items found within.  At the GM’s discretion, a weapon or armor item is an improved or unique version instead.

Four-Leaf Clover (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: You have a lucky trinket, or maybe you just live a charmed life!  Regardless, you gain an additional Luck point per adventure.

Friendly Foe

Prerequisite: Perception 3D
Effect: You are mindful of your allies in combat.  Penalties for ranged attacks into a melee are reduced by 2, and you no longer hit an ally on a miss.

Ghoulish (R1, Trait, 0 points)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: First, the good news – you gain a +1D bonus to natural healing, which is increased by the damage level of an irradiated place.  You also have +3D to Endurance to resist radiation damage.  The bad news – you are on your way to becoming a ghoul.  Every campaign month, you must succeed at a Moderate Endurance roll.  Failing this roll begins the ghoulification process (lost hair and teeth, skin texture changes, things fall off, etc.) with a -1 penalty to Charisma-based totals.  The next month’s roll is Difficult, and failing it increases this penalty to -2 as your condition worsens.  The next roll after that is Very Difficult, and failing it changes your species to ghoul, with all their benefits and drawbacks, including lost attribute dice (but no gains.)  A dose of RadAway lowers the difficulty of the monthly check by one level, but does not stop the process.  You must make Endurance rolls every month until you fail and become a ghoul.  If you suffer a Critical Failure on the first check, it advances to the next level immediately (-2 to Charisma totals.)  If you suffer a Critical Failure on the final check, you risk becoming “feral.”  You must succeed at a Moderate Perception check (also lowered by RadAway) every 2D days to come to terms with your new condition.  Otherwise, you become a feral ghoul NPC and attack your companions to feast on their tender flesh.  If you manage to make it a month, you no longer risk becoming feral.

Note: this Perk may be taken by humans only.

Gifted (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none 

Effect: You tend to get by your natural talents rather than formal learning.  You gain two (2) extra dice to distribute among your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes (for a total of 20D,) but lose four (4) dice from the amount you can distribute among skills, for a total of 3D.  You also get one less character point at the end of an adventure (minimum 1.)  You cannot use these extra dice to raise an attribute beyond your species maximum.
Note: robots gain 2D to raise any of their standard attributes.  You are a unique, advanced prototype, albeit with unfinished programming!

Good Natured (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none (just a kind soul)
Effect: You are a paragon of good and ethical behavior, but somewhat of a pacifist; rare in the Wasteland.  You gain a +2 bonus to first aid, doctor, speech, and barter skill totals, but suffer a -1 penalty to small guns, big guns, energy weapons, throwing, melee weapons, and unarmed skill totals.  In addition, Bad Karma actions negate twice the amount of Good Karma actions when figuring your Karma Bonus to the total character points earned at the end of an adventure.

Grim Reaper's Sprint (R1, 30 points)

Prerequisites: Agility 3D, two weapon skills at 5D
Effect: You are a death machine!  Stories are told about you around the fire to frighten wastelanders at night.  If you kill or destroy and enemy, you may immediately take an additional attack action with the same weapon and skill at the usual, multi-action penalty (this is an exception to the multiple action rule.)  If that enemy is killed or destroyed, you can repeat the process at an additional -1D penalty as normal for multiple actions.  The process repeats until you run out of skill dice (or all your enemies are dead!)
Tip: this perk works best when you spend a Luck point.


Gun Fu (R1, 20 points)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D, unarmed 5D, small guns OR energy weapons 3D
Effect: You may use your unarmed skill to defend against ranged attacks, and can also use the skill instead of small guns or energy weapons to shoot enemies with these types weapons.  Don’t ask me how it works.  You’ve seen the movies!

Gun Nut (R1-3, 10 points per rank)

Prerequisite: small guns 3D, repair: small guns 3D
Effect: You exemplify the spirit of inalienable rights in Pre-War America!  You gain a +1 bonus per rank to small guns totals, and a +3 bonus to repair totals when repairing or modifying firearms.

Gunslinger (R1, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisites: small guns: semiautomatic pistols or small guns: revolvers 5D
Effect: You would have been right at home in the Old West.  You have a +1 bonus to the aim action and called shots in V.A.T.S. when using pistols or revolvers.

Hacker (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: science: hacking 5D
Effect: You are fast-typing, console cowboy!  You can reroll a failed attempt to hack a computer terminal once.  In addition, you can bypass a lockout from failure to try again after 2D hours.  This perk does not work on a Critical Failure, but it never results in a complication (such as setting off alarms.)

Healer (R1-3, 10 points per rank)

Prerequisites: Perception, Intelligence, and Agility 3D; first aid 5D
Effect: You have a talent for healing; anything from steady hands to a caring, bedside manner.  You gain a +1 bonus per rank to first aid and doctor totals.  In addition, the Body Points your patients recover via first aid or doctor are increased by 1D per rank.

Heave Ho! (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Strength 3D
Effect: Channel your Olympian spirit!  You gain a +1 pip per rank to Strength when determining the range of thrown weapons.

Heavy Handed (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: You have thick bones and meaty hands that enjoy a +1D bonus to melee weapons and unarmed damage.  However, you are somewhat uncoordinated, and can only reroll the Wild Die for melee damage once, even if you roll another “6”.

Idiot Savant (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: Your mental acuity functions a little differently from others’ but you manage to get by happily through life anyway.  You suffer a -1D penalty to all skill and attribute rolls, but on a Critical Failure, you receive two (2) extra character points and one (1) extra Luck point at the end of the adventure.  This only works once per adventure.

Inspirational (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Charisma 3D
Effect: NPC followers are emboldened by your words and presence.  You gain a +2 bonus to speech totals to command them, and they gain a +1 bonus to combat skill totals when they are within sight distance of you, as well as a +1 bonus to Perception totals to avoid fleeing from combat.  Once per adventure, you can make a Moderate speech roll to give one of your Luck points to an NPC follower, who can then use it immediately.

Iron Fist (R1-3, 10 points per rank)

Prerequisite: unarmed 3D
Effect: You have honed your limbs into deadly weapons!  You gain an additional +1D per rank to unarmed damage.

Jinxed (R1, Trait)

Effect: You were born under a bad sign, a glowing radcat crossed your pregnant mother’s path, or your Pre-War ancestor angered a witch.  Regardless, you have strange and mostly-rotten luck.  You and everyone around you (both enemies and allies) suffer Critical Failures on 1-2 on the Wild Die, and those failures always result in hilarious complications.  At least you begin the game with two (2) Luck points, one which you always get back at the end of an adventure.  Neat!

Kamikaze (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: You are impetuous (some say suicidal) in combat.  You gain a +1D bonus to Agility for rolling initiative, but a -2 penalty to acrobat, athlete, melee weapons, or unarmed totals to defend yourself from attacks.

Lifegiver (R1-3, 10 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Endurance 2D+2
Effect: You are just so full of life!  You gain an extra five (5) Body Points per rank.

Lead Belly (R1-3, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Endurance
Effect: Your stomach is a steel trashcan!  You have a +1D per rank to Endurance totals to resist radiation damage from food and drink.

Mister Sandman (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: sneak 5D, small guns or melee weapons 5D
Effect: Good night!  You gain a +2D bonus to damage when attacking unconscious or completely-distracted NPCs when using melee weapons or silenced firearms.

More Criticals (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisites: none
Effect: While you have at least one Luck point available, you roll two Wild Dice for combat skills and take the better result, improving your chances of a Critical Success.  This does not apply to Wild Die rerolls once a Critical Success is achieved.  You temporarily lose this perk when your Luck points are at zero (0).

Moving Target (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D
Effect: You are slippery in combat, and may use your Agility instead of Endurance to resist damage.  However, you may only take advantage of this perk when wearing light armor types such as leather, or clothing.

Mr. Fixit (R1-3, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: repair 3D
Effect: You are so good with tools that you could have hosted your own home improvement show on Pre-War television.  You enjoy +1 per rank to repair, lockpick, and science totals.

Mutate! (R1-3, 5 character points per “pip)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: Exposure to the Wasteland has changed you.  You can take “pips” from one attribute die code and add them to another, even above or below normal species limits, but you cannot lower an attribute below 1D or raise it more than 1D above your species’ limit.  This affects all skills under the swapped attributes as well.  This perk may be purchased again for the same two attributes for up to three Ranks, or a different set of attributes.

Note: robots may not purchase this Perk.

Mysterious Stranger (R1, 20 points)

Prerequisites: none
Effect:  You have an enigmatic, guardian angel at your back.  Whenever you experience a Critical Failure with a combat skill, you may spend a Luck point to have the “Mysterious Stranger” appear instead of suffering a complication.  The Mysterious Stranger (an unidentifiable individual wearing a Pre-War trenchcoat and fedora,) emerges from nearby shadows or cover and immediately attacks the character’s opponent with a heavy revolver (you swear you hear twangy spy music in the background, but that may just be an adrenaline-induced hallucination, or a malfunctioning Pip-Boy.)
The Mysterious Stranger attacks with a small guns skill of 12D and ignores Critical Failures.  Damage for the attack is the same as a .44 Magnum revolver (5D,) and a Critical Success doubles damage as if the Mysterious Stranger had the Better Criticals perk.  The Mysterious Stranger will attack the next round if they miss, then disappear before characters can interact with them (considered to have a sneak skill of 20D.)

Nerd Rage! (R1, 25 points)

Prerequisites: Intelligence 3D; science 5D
Effect: Enough is enough!  You can only suffer so many atomic wedgies or people being technically wrong!  When reduced to 20% Body Points or below, you gain +3 to Strength and Endurance-based totals until the end of combat.

Night Person (R1, Trait, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D
Effect: Your circadian rhythms are reversed.  You gain +1 to Perception and Intelligence-based totals at night, and darkness penalties are reduced by 2.  However, you suffer a -1 penalty to Perception and Intelligence-based totals during daylight hours due to drowsiness.

Ninja (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D+1
Effect: You are like the legendary shadow warriors of the ancient world!  You gain a +1 per rank to unarmed, melee weapons, and sneak totals.

Old World Blues (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: You are obsessed with Pre-War objects and memorabilia, no matter how useless, but you sometimes have an eye for unique and valuable stuff, such as velvet paintings of that mysterious deity known as The King or an unreleased, Dean Domino: Live at the Tampico holodisk.  You enjoy a +1D bonus to repair and science rolls (even if untrained,) and the junk you find tends to be worth 20% more caps than usual due to rarity.    However, you will risk yourself (and your companions) to get your hands on nostalgic Americana like a limited-edition, screeching Jangles the Moon Monkey (fission battery found separately) or a mostly-complete collection of Cooper Howard films (gotta find a Radiation King TV and player too!)  You must succeed at a Moderate Perception roll to resist this urge, but if you fail, you don’t mind weighing yourself down with these Old World “treasures.”

One Hander (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: You can fight with one hand tied behind your back!  You gain a +1 bonus to combat skill rolls with one-handed melee or ranged weapons, but a -2 penalty with weapons requiring two hands.


Pathfinder (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite:  outdoorsman 5D
Effect:  You are a trailblazer!  When wandering the Wasteland map, your gain a +1D bonus to outdoorsman rolls when navigating difficult terrain.

Party Boy/Girl (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: Charisma 3D+1
Effect: You are more than comfortable with knocking back a few cocktails in a social setting.  The Charisma-based bonus from alcoholic drinks is doubled, and any Luck points spent while drunk are returned at the end of the adventure.  While you cannot become addicted to alcohol per se, you must still succeed at a Moderate Perception roll to avoid drinking when faced with the opportunity, even at inopportune times or in dangerous places.

Penetrator (R1-3, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D+2
Effect: You can determine the chinks in armor, or weak points in otherwise hard cover.  Your difficulty to hit opponents behind cover is reduced by one (1) per rank, and the effectiveness of their armor (natural or otherwise) against your attacks is also reduced by one (1) pip per rank.

Pickpocket (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: sneak: pick pockets or sneak: steal 5D
Effect: You are a light-fingered expert of dastardly legerdemain!  You are not detected on a Critical Failure when attempting to steal objects from places or pockets.

Quick Pockets (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D+2
Effect: Taking out an item from your inventory does not count as additional action when figuring a multi-action penalty.  This perk stacks with Action Boy/Action Girl.

Rad Resistant (R1-3, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Endurance 3D
Effect: Your body has adapted to radiation.  You receive a +1D bonus per rank to Endurance to resist radiation damage.

Ranger (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D, outdoorsman 5D
Effect: You have an eye for avoiding the the dangers of the Wasteland.  You and your companions only experience random encounters on a result of 1-in-1D while traveling the Wasteland map.  This does not apply to encounters inside adventure locations.

Refractor (R1-3, 5 points, per rank)

Prerequisite: repair: armor 5D
Effect: You have learned how to modify and polish your armor to an angled, mirror-like sheen, with a practical purpose in mind: you receive a +1 bonus per rank to resist energy damage.  You must wear metal, combat, or power armor to take advantage of this perk.

Ricochet (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: You may have passed Geometry with flying colors, but your opponents did not!  When an enemy shooting at you suffers from a Critical Failure, you may spend a Luck point to have the shot ricochet back at them for damage instead.

Rifleman (R1, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: small guns: hunting rifles or small guns: shotguns 5D
Effect: You are an experienced hunter or seasoned grunt.  You have a +1 bonus to the aim action and called shots in V.A.T.S. when using hunting and sniper rifles or shotguns.

Science! (R1, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Intelligence 3D+1
Effect: You may or may not be mad, but you are definitely a technological genius!  You receive a +1 bonus per rank to energy weapons totals, repair when modifying or repairing energy weapons or high-tech items, and science to modify, reprogram, or repair robots.

Silent Running (R1, 15 points)

Prerequisites: Agility 3D, sneak 5D
Effect: You are like a swift ghost in the darkness!   You may move at your full Move score while using sneak without suffering any penalties.

Slayer (R1, 20 points)

Prerequisites: Strength 3D+2, melee weapons or unarmed 5D
Effect: You are a whirlwind of deadly steel!  Killing an opponent with a melee weapons or unarmed attack allows for an additional attack against an adjacent opponent at the normal, multi-action penalty.  This continues if the second opponent is killed until you fail to kill any or run out of skill dice.

Snakeater (R1, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: outdoorsman 3D
Effect: You have developed a tolerance for natural toxins.  You gain a +1 to Endurance totals per rank to resist poisons.

Sniper (R1, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Perception 3D, small guns 3D or energy weapons 3D
Effect: You prefer to be on overwatch. The difficulty of called shots in V.A.T.S. with scoped rifles or pistols is reduced by 1 per rank.

Solar Powered (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: Endurance 3D
Effect: You may have mutated chlorophyll in your skin.  You gain a +1 to Strength and Endurance-based totals while outside and during daylight hours, but -1 at night or on cloudy days.

Steady Aim (R1, 10 points)

Prerequisite: Strength 2D+1
Effect: You have strong, steady arms and hands when holding guns and rifles.  You gain an additional +1 bonus when using the aim action.

Strong Back (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Strength 3D
Effect: You must have the DNA of a brahmin or radioactive ant!  Your Strength-based carry weight maximum increased by 20% per rank.  
Note: super mutants are considered to already have this perk and cannot purchase it.

Swift Learner (R1-3, 10 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Intelligence 3D
Effect:  You learn new concepts quickly!  You gain a free character point per rank per adventure.  At Rank 3, you no longer need a teacher to learn an untrained skill.

Tag Skill! (R1, Trait, 5 points)

Prerequisite: one specialized skill at 3D or better
Effect: Pick a specialized skill.  You have a +2D bonus to this skill and are well-known for it.  However, this often results in NPCs approaching you to use this skill on their behalf at inopportune moments, and some may even use underhanded means, threats, or violence to get you to comply.  In the case of combat skills, other fighters with the same level of skill as you will seek you out to see who is the better swordsman, has the greater kung-fu style, or is the ”fastest gun in the West.”  The chance for this occurring is 1-in-1D per adventure.

Thief (R1-3, 5 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Agility 3D
Effect: You have a talent for burglary and skullduggery.  You receive +1 per rank to acrobat, lockpick, and sneak totals.  This bonus also applies to Perception totals to detecting simple traps.

Toughness (R1-3, 5 points per Rank)

Prerequisite: Endurance 2D+1
Effect: You are hardier than you look!  You have a +1 bonus to Endurance totals when resisting damage.

Trader (R1-3, 10 points per rank)

Prerequisite: Charisma 3D
Effect: You have a mind for business, and could sell dirty water to wastelanders near a polluted river!  You enjoy +3 per rank to barter totals when haggling prices and NPCs that normally wouldn’t be up for trade nevertheless are.

Skilled (R1, Trait)

Prerequisites: none

Effect: You are a jack-of-all-trades, but master of none.  You gain an extra skill die at character creation, for a total of 8D.  However, the cost of all Perks increases by 5 character points.

Small Frame (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: Whether due to genetics, or a less-than-nutritious diet of preserved foods, you have a light (some say scrawny) build.  You gain a +1 to all Agility-based totals (might be the Sugar Bombs,) but your Strength-based carry weight is reduced by 20%

Wild Wasteland (R1, Trait)

Prerequisite: none
Effect: You tend to attract all the weirdness the post-nuclear world has to offer.  While wandering the Wasteland map, you may spend a Luck point to get a +2 bonus the next time your GM has to roll a random encounter, increasing the chances of a rare, fun, or beneficial encounter occurring.

Note: the GM may veto this at any time (and must give the Luck point back,) or ban the perk entirely if they haven’t come up with any weird random encounters (neither is recommended, though.  Get creative, GMs!)

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