Level 6, Area C: Audience Chambers
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Determining Activity Hours
The time of day affects the presence of certain creatures in this area. When the player characters (PCs) enter the area, there is a 3-in-6 chance the Palace is in activity hours (0800-1900.) The GM should then roll 1d12 to determine the approximate time of the active or inactive half of the day, and continue to track the time accordingly.
Room 15: Gatehouse and Entrance Hall
The entrance to the True Temple is made up of two sets of massive double doors, each requiring two (2) ogres open and close (HP 21, 22, 20, 20.) The first set of doors leads to cavernous, circular hallways, similar to those that make up the stairways between levels. This is the first level of defense for the True Temple’s Palace level. Each hallway ends in portcullises to the north and south, which are closed if the True Temple is under attack. Secret sally ports on the south side allow defenders to easily flank and surround and invading force.
The second set of double doors lead to an entrance hall with an upper gallery connected by ladders in the north eastern sides. The galleries which ends in arrow slits above the hallway. During activity hours, there are four (4) baern-men (HP 17, 15, 13, 18) with crossbows patrolling the gallery. Two (2) minotaurs stand guard at the north and south doors each (HP 33, 24, 23, 33; polearms,) and a snake-man Myrmidon officer supervises this small force (HP 26, with snake arms, and camouflaging scales; sword and shield.) An Emissary (HP 20, ophidian lower limbs) is there to escort groups of visitors where they need to go once they are approved to enter.
In addition, there are 3d6 HD worth of creatures entering or leaving the area. Roll 1d8 for each until this HD budget is expended (it may go negative.) The GM should try to make sense of any nonsensical results. For example, a snake-man Noble could be entering with a gargoyle servant or pet ooze:
1. Normal human servant (1-in-6 demihuman)
2. Eunshiel deep fey
3. Ennan deep fey
4. Snake-men Emissary
5. Snake-men Myrmidon
6. Snake-men Noble
7. Chaotic or Neutral mercenary adventurer with 2d4 levels
8. Other (roll on a general wandering monster table for a Level 4 dungeon)
Outside of activity hours, there are only two minotaurs and two baern-men with crossbows on watch inside this room, with two other minotaurs outside the gates. No visitors from outside are allowed.
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The gate to the True Temple is well guarded (adapted from AI images courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Room 16: West Antechamber
This room appears as a ceremonial antechamber, but is in truth another defense point of the Palace. Forces in Room 15 that suffer enough losses (GM’s discretion or morale) may fall back to this room and lead attackers into a 30-ft. wide, funneling pit trap (40 ft. deep.) A hidden panel in the northeastern wall activates/deactivates the trap (save against breath to avoid falling.) The Myrmidon officer has no compunctions about sacrificing his own forces to the pit trap (the flesh-crafters can always make more.)
During activity hours, palace guests that are not prestigious enough for an audience with the City’s Ruler may be taken here to meet with lesser, snake-men officials (typically Emissaries or Myrmidons.) Wandering monster encounters here are 2-in-6 during this time.
Rude guests may be subjected to the pit trap. Outside of activity hours, the pit trap may be set to activate by itself (GM’s discretion.)
Room 17: Artifact Hall
This room functions as both gallery and third line of defense towards the Palace Sanctum. Valuable, snake-men artifacts are on display to awe and impress worthy visitors, and fool attackers into looting. Each display has a crystal that shines soft light above it, while floor in the room gleams with copper-filigreed tile in a checkered pattern.
Touching a displayed artifact has a 2-in-6 chance of causing the crystal above to activate. A bolt of lightning strikes the victim from the crystal, then up to three additional bolts leap from the main victim to strike other nearby victims within 30 feet. The bolts cause 10d6 damage (save against wands for half.)
12 of the displays have various artifacts (jewelry, pieces of art, etc.) worth 4d6x10 gp. One has a broad, +1 sword, etched with runes, driven straight through the stone display. The sword, Darekhir, means “tunnel-hunter” in the Dwarven language. It is an intelligent sword aligned with Law and purposed with destroying creatures of Chaos from the Underworld (Int 9, Ego 4.) It can communicate empathically (in an obstinately Dwarfish way,) and detect sloping passages, magic, and provide light once per day each. The sword will not budge from its display save for a dwarf (best) or a Lawful fighter.
Room 18: Noble’s Council Hall
The walls of this oval hall are lined with hanging braziers and banners displaying various lineages of the snake-men Nobles. In the center of the room are rows of carved, stalagmite spikes carved in the form of spiraling serpents. Despite the cleanliness of the hall, shades of dried blood can be seen in the spiked area. The ceiling above disappears into darkness.
The ruling inner circle of the True Temple meets here periodically. If the palace is in activity hours, it is possible that the City’s Ruler is here meeting with their council (see Room 21 below.)
During the occasion of a Noble egg birth, the inner circle gathers in the center of the room and levitate up to Level 5, Room 5 above to attend and witness a celebratory rite (see that room’s description.)
Room 19: Sanctum Gateway
This tall, vaulted chamber (30 ft. high) contains a gilded, serpentine gateway to the Palace Sanctum (Area D.) The only guard is a frail-looking, bald, human servant in robes. The servant is loyal to the snake-men Nobility, and is difficult to fool (-1 to reactions.) Regardless of reaction, he will not allow non-Nobles to pass, but is incredibly polite (with a dry wit) unless intruders become hostile. He then changes to his true form: a hulking being with the appearance of a horned, exotic war god, armed with a sharp sickle-glaive. This oni is an evolved creation of the snake-men flesh-crafters, merging the essences of ogres and trolls with a malevolent intelligence and capacity for sorcery. If combat ensues, there is a 1-in-6 chance each round that one of two (2) other oni will emerge from a secret door to the east or west (roll once for each.) These are relief guards that are currently resting.
Oni (ogre magic-users): AC 4 [15]; HD 5+3 (HP 32, 19, 24); MV 120 ft. (30 ft.) or fly 180 ft. (60 ft.); ATK 1d8+4 (weapon); SV fighter 5; ML 10; AL C; XP 600 (or HD + two specials)
The oni regenerate 1hp per round and can cast the following spells: at will – darkness, invisibility, polymorph (self); 1/day—charm person, cone of cold (see below,) sleep.
Cone of Cold
5th-level magic-user spell
Range: 60-ft. cone (20-ft. wide at end)
Duration: Instant
A blast of cold air erupts from the magic-user’s hands. Each creature in a 60-foot long, 20-foot wide cone take 8d6 cold damage, or half as much on a successful save. Creatures killed by this spell become frozen statues until they thaw.
The hidden rooms/sentry boxes contain treasure that the oni have confiscated from foolish interlopers: west wall – 9 ep, +1 mace, potion of speed, magic-user spell scroll (detect magic, clairvoyance, teleport x2); east wall – 4 gp, +1 hand axe, magic-user spell scroll (elemental conjuring, wizard eye, locate object, clairvoyance, transmute mud to rock (reversed spell).)
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The gateway to the Sanctum is kept by the elite creations of the flesh-crafters (adapted from AI images courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Room 20: Petitioners Area
A stepped hallway descends into a spacious chamber adorned with elegant, silk seating. A set of doors to the north bars the way to the main audience chamber (Room 21.) During activity hours, visitors from the City and beyond await the snake-men Ruler’s pleasure. Wandering monster encounters are 2-in-6 during this time. Outside of activity hours, the room is empty.
Room 21: Audience Chamber
This lavish throne room is designed to dwarf all creatures considered lesser to the snake-men, and visually enforce their primacy. Immense, caryatid columns in their likeness, and banners with the symbol of the Snake God line the hall, ending in a raised area where the Ruler of the snake-men’s City holds court.
Currently, this is Khan-Tet/Ni-Tet (Khan-Ni-Tet,) a conjoined creature which would have never risen to such a position above all the snake-men of the City if it were not for an intelligence and ruthless cunning that could only be borne of two, independently thinking brains.
The Nobles of the previous regime underestimated Khan-Ni-Tet as a mutation somehow suffered to live due it its high status. Meanwhile, the intelligent, conjoined siblings plotted to take the throne over many years, and ultimately succeeded. They accomplished this by achieving control of snake-men society through the priesthood of the Snake God.
The snake-men of the City revered Tiama’at as their primary creator goddess, with the Snake God in a strong, secondary place as her advisor and “muse” in creation. It was Khan-Ni-Tet that increased the Snake God sect’s influence both in the Underworld, and the world above generations ago in the form of the Snake Cult. This weakened Tiama’at’s sect, and through it the previous regime’s power base. Over many years, Khan-Ni-Tet acquired majority influence among the Nobles through the Snake God’s sect, and the Emissaries who influenced the Snake Cult above. Lastly, they gained support among the warrior Myrmidon caste through military action in the Underwilds.
The coup was nearly bloodless, as the previous ruler found himself with little support. He was tried on false, but carefully-crafted accusations of artificial caste ascension, and summarily executed.
It has been a long time since Khan-Ni-Tet wrested control of the throne, and the cracks in their regime have started to become gaping weaknesses. The fall of the Snake Cult above chipped at their influence over the Emissaries, despite slow-going attempts to revive it. The Myrmidons are growing restless, as it has been a long time since they conquered the Underwilds surrounding the City, and their forked tongues are thirsty for the smell of war. A growing movement among the Nobles wants to return to the older ways of Tiama’at. Unbeknownst to them, the movement has been largely fabricated by their eunshiel underlings, who are fanatical about their Dragon Goddess, and seethe at the Snake God’s ascendancy. Khan-Ni-Tet recently put down a plot associated with this movement (see Area A, Room 6,) but has not stamped it out completely.
Khan-Ni-Tet is here during part of the Palace’s activity hours. This is the Ruler’s typical schedule:
Hour Location
0700-0800 "Morning" ritual in the Inner Temple (Area D, Room 27)
0800-0900 Room 18
0900-1500 Room 21
1500-2200 Random location on this level (GM’s discretion)
2200-2300 "Evening" ritual in the Snake God’s chapel
2300-0700 Personal chambers in the Sanctum (Area D, Room 24)
Khan-Ni-Tet is almost always with an entourage: four (4) Myrmidons, 1d4 other Nobles, and 1d4 Emissaries. The exception is their personal chambers, where there are only two Myrmidons guarding the entrance. A personal, Emissary servant is there to tend to the ruler’s needs as well.
When Khan-Ni-Tet is holding audience, any wandering monster encounters are likely here as petitioners.
Khan-Ni-Tet is unique from other snake-men Nobles in that the individual heads of Khan-Tet, and Ni-Tet are able to act independently in the same round despite sharing one body. Khan-Tet fights with a large sword (+1 two-handed sword) in one hand, while Ni-Tet can cast spells as a 7th-level cleric with the other (this is in addition to the spells that all snake-men Nobles are able to cast): 1st – protection from energy (resist cold,) protection from evil; 2nd – hold person (x2,) 3rd – cause disease (reversed spell,) bestow curse (reversed spell); 4th – poison (reversed spell, 1d6 damage per round for six rounds); 5th – finger of death (reversed spell.)
Khan-Ni-Tet, Ruler of the City of the Snake-Men: AC 5 [14] (thick scales); HD 7 (HP 45); MV 90 ft. (30 ft.); ATK 1d10+1 (sword); SP extendable hood (Khan-Tet head only,) ophidian lower limbs (constrict,) cleric spells; SV cleric 7; ML 9; AL C; XP 2,400 (or HD + four specials)
If Khan-Ni-Tet is reduced half or less hit points via called shots to the head (at -4 to hit,) or a natural roll of 20, one of the heads (50/50 chance) will be rendered unconscious and will be either unable to attack with the sword (Khan-Tet,) or use cleric spells (Ni-Tet.) If Khan-Ni-Tet or their forces fail a morale check, the Ruler will flee via the fastest route (usually the secret door behind the throne,) to the Inner Temple in Room 27 of the Sanctum, to make their last stand.
When Khan-Ni-Tet is absent, there are only two (2) Myrmidons present – one guarding the door, and the other guarding the throne (and secret door.) During activity hours, if the Ruler is not present, there is a 1-in-6 chance of 1d4 Emissaries directing 1d4 normal human servants in tending to the chamber as well.
Khan-Ni-Tet’s regalia are valuable treasure. Large and small silver diadems with emeralds and small alexandrite gems grace their serpentine heads, and are worth 1,400 and 1,300 gp respectively. A large chain of office made of gold with an image of the Snake God in lapis lazuli and blue topazes is worth 1,000 gp. It functions as Khan-Ni-Tet’s holy symbol.
In addition, Khan-Ni-Tet wears an enchanted mantle that allows both heads to communicate telepathically (one of the secrets of their power.) This cloak of the hive mind allows the wearer to hear the surface thoughts of creatures within a ten foot radius as a detect thoughts (ESP) spell at will, as well as send thoughts to them to communicate telepathically. In addition, the cloak can extend the range of its telepathic power to a single creature up to 60 feet for 10 rounds once per day.
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Khan-Ni-Tet awaits petitioners (adapted from AI images courtesy of NightCafe.) |
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
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