Level 5, Area C: Officers' Halls
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This map is released under terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. |
Room 15: Briefing Room
This room has smooth, polished walls, with glowing fungus globes that reveal hieroglyphic engravings of snake-men Myrmidons engaged in battle. The centerpiece of the room is a large, rectangular table crafted from dark, fungal “wood”, intricately carved with serpentine patterns and symbols. High-backed chairs surround the table, crafted with snake-like motifs coiling around the legs and armrests.
The table radiates magic, and at the head (with the largest chair to the north) are 10 bronze buttons in a recess under the lip of the table. Pressing a button has a random effect (1d20):
1. A center compartment opens to reveal a crystal, half-hemisphere. It projects an illusory map of an unknown, underground wilderness (the Underwilds beyond the City of the Snake-Men in Level 8.)
2. A secret compartment opens near the head of the table. It has a gold, jeweled Myrmidon Commander's medallion inside worth 700 gp.
3. The carved, serpent-shaped glyphs on the table illuminate in seemingly random patterns then stop. Nothing else happens.
4. A loud, gong-like sound reverberates through the room and halls. Random encounters are now 2-in-6, and for the next hour, monsters encountered (randomly or in rooms) cannot only be surprised on a 1-in-6 chance.
5. A section of the northwestern wall slides open, revealing a hidden, spiral stairway to Level 6 (Room 15)
6. A small, retractable needle pricks the finger of the character that pressed the button; save against poison or become paralyzed as a hold person spell.
7. As result 1, but the map shows an approximately 50-60 mile radius around the Temple of the Snake Cult, including the city of Alkastra and other major areas of human, and demihuman habitation.
8. Colored lights embedded in the table's surface flash rapidly, affecting those in close proximity. Treat as a color spray spell (see below.)
9. A hidden panel on one side slides opens to reveal a small coffer with 600 gp inside.
10. The table emits a sudden, whining burst of sound. Everyone’s voice around the table is amplified, and speaking triggers a random encounter check.
11. The table disappears! It is actually invisible.
12. A burst of confetti, colorful streamers, and bioluminescent, fungal dust sticks to characters around the table. It affects their ability to surprise opponents by 1-in-6, and any thieves have a -20% penalty to hide in shadows until the material is washed off.
13. As result 1, but the crystal projects an image of some battle or event involving snake-men. Is it historical, or in real-time?
14. The table emits a thick cloud of sulfurous smoke that fills the room, obscuring vision.
15. A hidden drawer opens with scrolls inside that discuss battle strategies and intelligence reports. One is a magic scroll with a fog cloud spell (see below.)
16. The table plays a haunting melody with a sound like a zither. The resonating sound triggers a random encounter.
17. As result 1, but the table projects an image of the City of the Snake Men (Level 7.)
18. Anyone near the table experiences a brief sensation of time slowing down or speeding up (roll 1d6: odd – speeds up, even – slows down.) Time spent in the room is doubled (speed) or halved (slow.)
19. A small, hidden compartment opens with a potion of enlarge (growth) inside.
20. The table's surface becomes dark, mirror-like, and hazy. The distorted reflection reveals writhing masses of snakes surrounding multiple eyes that pop in and out of view, with a large, central eye remaining constant. The characters not so much hear as feel an impatient voice in their head in the Chaotic language demanding to know what they want. This acts like a commune spell (with the Snake God!) However, there is a 2-in-6 chance an answer is deliberately false, or a misdirection.
Color Spray
1st-level magic-user spell
Range: 15-ft. cone
Duration: instant
A dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs forth in a 15-foot cone from the magic-user’s hand. The cone affects up to 1d6 creatures in order of distance from the magic user (nearest first.) Creatures with six (6) or more levels or Hit Dice (HD) or higher than the magic-user are allowed a saving throw. Similarly, the color spray’s effect varies depending on the creature’s level or HD:
- HD or levels equal or higher than the magic-user: victim(s) falls unconscious for 1d4 rounds
- HD or levels lower than the magic-user: victim(s) becomes blind for 1d4 rounds
- HD or levels higher by three (3) or more: victim(s) become stunned (unable to act) for one (1) round
Blind or eyeless creatures are unaffected by this spell.
Fog Cloud
2nd-level magic-user spell
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 per level
The magic-user creates a 20-foot radius cloud of dense fog centered anywhere within the range of the spell. The cloud’s shape is semi-spherical and can spread around corners. The fog obscures all vision (including infravision,) past two (2) feet.
The fog cloud lasts for the duration of the spell. However, strong breezes or winds of moderate or greater speed (of least 10 miles per hour) can disperse it, lowering its duration by half.
A heavy, fungal wood door to the northwest is carved with intricate dragons with the appearance of winged serpents. A central dragon’s eye is a peep hole that opens from inside the room. The door leads to the War Room (Room 16) and is locked.
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The Briefing Room table was built by the ennan and has unpredictable features (AI image courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Room 16: War Room
The walls of this secure room are adorned with intricate reliefs depicting snake-men Myrmidons at war. In the center is a round, black granite table with maps and miniature figures that symbolize military units or strategic assets. There are additional scrolls with maps and military intelligence reports (in Chaotic script) on shelves in the north and south walls.
Prominently displayed on the
northwestern wall is the battle standard
of the Myrmidons – coiled serpents encircling a central spear or polearm. The standard radiates magic. Once per day, the standard can be held
prominently aloft, or attached to a warrior’s back on a pole, and grants a
+1 bonus to attack rolls, morale, and saving throws against fear to all allies
in a 10-foot radius per level of the bearer.
The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the
bearer, but it ends abruptly if the standard is lowered, the bearer falls prone, and/or drops it.
Changing the embroidered image on the standard without destroying the enchantment requires an expert tailor specialized in magical garments.
The door has a latch to lock it from the inside, making the room a relatively safe place for player character’s (PCs) to rest and recuperate.
Room 17: Meditation Room
The entrance to this room is through a sliding door decorated with intertwined snakes and lotus blossoms. The inside is bathed in a soft, ethereal glow emanating from a large, bioluminescent fungus orb suspended from the ceiling which reflects on a pool below, surrounded by low, wide cushions. The walls are adorned with tapestries of both outer and underworld wilderness scenes.
There are three unique features to this room. First, the feeling of time is slightly suspended in the room, so that every two turns spent inside is only one outside. Second, the color of the light in the orb changes depending on the mood of the majority of the people in the room: anger (red,) fear (orange,) wonder/surprise (yellow,) happiness/contentment (green,) sadness (blue,) anxiety (purple.)
Finally, anyone sitting on a cushion and concentrating can make a Wisdom check. Success allows them to communicate telepathically with another person that succeeded at Wisdom check. However, every round spent conversing telepathically has a 1-in-6 chance that they will be psychically overheard, triggering a random encounter.
Under one of the cushions is a neatly-folded robe made from a large, silky snake skin. The serpent skin robe is magical and grants the wearer a +1 bonus to Dexterity, and a +1 to saving throws against the spells and abilities of snake-men, and other ophidian creatures (such as nagas or medusae; GM's discretion.) It also grants the ability to understand the secret language of snakes (and snake-men) as a comprehend languages spell.
Room 18: Myrmidon’s Arsenal
The door to this room is made of stone and locked (the key is in Room 19.) This is where the snake-men Myrmidons keep their personal weapons and other armaments for defending the garrison. Inside are a series of racks and display stands, showcasing an assortment of weapons and armor, some crafted to fit the snake-men’s unique physiology: curved and sickle-shaped swords, glaive and halberd-like polearms, and polished shields. There are a few other types of weapons, which are used by the snake-men’s monstrous guards, such as the minotaurs in Room 8. A well-organized storage area houses spare weapon parts, tools, and oil for maintenance and repair.
While the weapons and armor are well-made by ennan smiths, most of them are mundane. However, there is a 1-in-6 chance a unique magical weapon is currently stored here (roll 1d4):
1. Fangblade: this +1 short sword is made from the entire fang of a giant serpent with carved, jagged edges and a scrimshawed handle. The edge is alchemically treated so that a wounded victim must save against poison or become weakened, suffering a -1 penalty to hit and damage for 10 rounds (1 turn.) The alchemical poison currently has 17 uses remaining.
2. Snake God’s Aegis: this round, +1 shield is embossed in the image of the Snake God, with writhing serpents around a central eye. When held, the shield grants a +1 bonus to save against spells and poisons.
3. Viperstrike Glaive: the blade of this +1 polearm is shaped like a striking snake. The wielder of the glaive can attack a withdrawing enemy 3-5 feet away longer than a polearm’s normal reach. The blade animates into a snake that strikes for 1d6 damage. The victim must save against poison or become slowed (as a reversed haste spell) for 1 turn (60 rounds.)
4. Asp Knight's Rainment: this suit of +1 scale armor is made from the hard scales of a giant asp. Despite their hardness, the armor is quite supple and provides a +1 to saving throws against poison and attacks or hazards that require agility to dodge (GM’s discretion.) Additionally, the wearer gains the ability to move silently (as a thief) with a 20% chance.
Room 19: Officers' Quarters
A winding passageway leads to apartments for the snake-men Myrmidon officers. However, the entrance is enchanted with an illusory trap. The south wall opposite of the entrance (“a”) has a bas relief of the Snake God. If a character does not walk backwards into the room (facing the Snake God) the passageway continues as if entered from the beginning (“b”.) This creates the illusion of an infinite passageway, giving snake-men defenders time to intercept invaders before they reach the quarters. A clue to this trap is in the poetry of Tsun-Tep in Room 14.
The room features a common area with furniture such as low tables and divans to relax in, and window openings to the northeast, which show the gardens behind base of the True Temple below. To the west are multiple apartments (“c”) with sliding doors. Roll once on the following table for each apartment if searched (1d12):
1. An ornate, serpent-headed spear in gold and gems is hung in the wall. It is worth 160 gp
2. Unlike
the bedding in the other apartments (flat, silken bedrolls,) this one has a luxurious
four-poster bed with intricately-carved serpentine designs, silken drapes, and soft
pillows. Under a pillow is a key to the Myrmidon's Arsenal (Room 18)
3. An intricately-carved, serpentine pendant made of jade is hung on the wall above a silk bedroll and worth 120 gp.
4. This apartment has a well-crafted wooden desk adorned with serpentine motifs.
5. A fine cloak with delicate silver embroidery in serpentine patterns is hung on a peg. It is worth 80 gp
6. This apartment features a small shrine dedicated to the Snake God, featuring an intricately carved symbol of the deity and incense burners. The burners are made of silver with precious stones and worth 100 gp each.
7. A semi-concealed drawer under a small table has a pair of serpent-inlaid, bracers of defense (AC 7 [12].)
8. This apartment has a glass display case with a collection of curious artifacts and mementoes: an ancient, ceremonial bronze dagger, a carved stone serpent idol, and a collection of large snake scales.
9. Under the silken bedroll is a serpentbite ring adorned with a coiled snake motif. Once per day, a wearer can present the serpentbite ring with a closed fist and speak a command word (engraved in the Chaotic dialect of snake-men inside). This causes the snake design to come to life and strike at an opponent for (attack as a 2HD monster) for 1d4 damage. The victim must and save against poison or suffer an additional 1d8 damage per round for two rounds after a successful bite.
10. This apartment features a reinforced case with a ceremonial sickle-sword, finely-crafted shield, and a set of polished polearms.
11. A set of ceremonial, bronze scale armor with precious, and semi-precious stones is worth 180 gp
12. A snake-skin tapestry displays a mesmerizing scene of snake-men Myrmidons in battle. It is worth 130 gp to a collector of exotic art.
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The way to the Myrmidon's Quarters is trapped to become unreachable to assassins (AI image courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Room 20: Council Hall
This chamber is used for meetings and audiences between the three castes of snake-men in the True Temple. It features three levels to separate the attending snake-men by caste: Nobles on the western dais, Myrmidons at the center, and Emissaries at the base. The hall has a 30-foot, vaulted ceiling, and is dimly lit by glowing fungal globes on the walls and braziers on the dais. There are three banners hanging in the western wall that represent the three castes plus one for the Snake God over them. The sibilant sounds of the snake-man dialect can be heard in the hallways leading into this chamber.
Xa-Bis, a snake-man Noble (HP 25, with snake eyes, snake tongue, and ophidian lower limbs,) who is the current Lady Seneschal of the Myrmidon Garrison, is holding audience. There are also three (3) Myrmidons (HP 25, ophidian lower limbs, thick scales; 27, distendable jaws and fangs, venomous blood; 27, extendable hood, snake tongue; swords and shields,) and two (2) Emissaries (HP 23, snake pheromones; 18, snake arms) present, with five (5) normal human (1-in-6 demihuman) servants about.
The Lady Seneschal despises her current position, which she considers beneath her, but she was on the losing side of intrigues between Nobles vying for the favor of the Snake God. She is currently seeking ways to return to the halls of power in the Palace of the Nobles (Level 6) below, perhaps by uncovering treason among the Myrmidons (such as Thet-Zuh’s desire to ascend to the Noble caste.)
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The Lady Seneschal is eager to reascend to her previous position (adapted from AI images courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Room 21: Archive
This octagonal room has three levels of book and scroll shelves approximately 35 feet high, with stairs connecting each level. The books and scrolls are written in the Chaotic script of the snake-men dialect. Roll on the following table for the contents of a book or scroll (1d20):
1. The Serpentine Codex: An archive of the snake-men castes and genetic variants, complete with anatomical drawings, and documentation of their behaviors and esoteric qualities; heavily biased from a Noble’s perspective.
2. The Art of Myconic Alchemy: A collection of botanical knowledge about mushrooms of the Underwilds, their properties, and their practical applications.
3. The Book of Tau-Lat: not really a spellbook, but a textbook on basic, sorcerous knowledge practiced by the snake-men. PCs can learn about the basic spells the three castes of snake-men can cast.
4. Python’s Wisdom - The Way of the Oracle: an ancient scroll describing the prophetic visions and divinatory practices associated with the Oracles; written in the form of snake-themed parables.
The Slithering
Labyrinth: The classical snake-men
guide to deception and intrigue. Required reading for all castes, but especially used by Emissaries in the world above.
6. Serpent's Tongue - The Book of Speaking: A “rosetta stone” detailing the snake-men language, its Chaotic script, and similarities to the languages of dragons and lizardmen. A PC could learn the snake-men language with this over time, but humans and demihumans tend to lack the vocal anatomy to communicate with snakes.
7. Ascendancy: A pseudo-scholarly treatise on the snake-men’s history in 42 volumes. It is largely snake-supremacist fiction.
8. The Book of Vipers: A compendium of venomous snakes from around the world, detailing their habitats, habits, and the unique properties of their venoms.
9. The Balanced Scale: A textbook covering the fundamentals of flesh-crafting.
10. The Ouroboros Spiral: A cryptic tome detailing the arcane theories of chronomancy.
11. Testament of the Eye: The main, religious text of the snake-men and their Snake God. Passages from it may be recognizable to those who have read the unholy works of the Snake Cult.
12. The Serpent's Maze: A mystical book of logic and arcane puzzles designed to test and enhance the snake-men’s problem-solving skills and magical aptitude.
13. The Eternal Cycle: The “old testament” holy book of the snake-men, focused on their serpentine aspect of Tiama’at. This book is old and dusty, as if it has not been touched for a long time.
14. The Scrolls of Ka-do-Xa: An ancient healing and medical manual of the snake-men. Considered essential reading for novice flesh-crafters before they are ready to move on to The Balanced Scale.
15. Time of Fang and Venom: The seminal snake-men manual on war strategy and tactics.
16. The Myrmidon Seven: Stories about the seven great Champions of the Myrmidon snake-men. It mentions the practice of petitioning them for fortune in battle (a clue to the statues in Room 22.)
17. Scroll with an architectural schematic of Level 4
18. Scroll with an architectural schematic of Level 5
19. Scroll with an unlabeled map of the City of the Snake-Men (Level 7)
20. Scroll with an incomplete map of the Underwilds in the vicinity of the City of the Snake-Men (Level 8)
The bookcase on the lower western wall can open to reveal a secret passage that leads to another secret door beside the Meditation Room (17.)
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