Hexes 3136-4147
3212 Predator’s Orchard (Special Resource)
This lightly-wooded plain has an abundant variety of wild food, herb, and medicinal plants, and/or fruit trees that surround the vestiges of old Imperial villas. This light forest is actually the result of overgrown gardens and orchards that once belonged to the villas.
A small band of weretigers (see Hex 3011) enjoys hunting in this area for animals, or better, humans foolish enough to gather from the plants and trees here.
A domain lord that controls this hex will gain a plant-based resource that is 10-100% better (GM’s discretion) than other resources of the same type.
3244 Noxious Cavern of the Verdant Serpent (Lair)
A waterfall high on a forested cliff in the foothills of the Norwall Mountains conceals a vast cavern that is the current lair of the green dragon Verdigrix (HP 56).
Verdigrix was driven here after the treacherous elves chased and hunted her away from her forests long ago. She rested in the limestone cavern, healing the wounds from their enchanted weapons and arrows, while plotting her revenge. When she awakened, however, she found that the elves were gone and her vast forest shrunk to a mere vestige of their greatness. A multitude of strange apes now lived in the barrens of her former forest. Some brightly-colored ones (perhaps playing at elves) would come to hunt the animals in her forest from time to time. The experience with the elves taught her to skulk and sneak, and only take one of these apes when they are alone or defenseless. She is still pondering what to do about them. In the meantime, she stays to the northern edge of the forest, hunting the fecund game by a stream near her home (Hex 3345.)
The caverns are labyrinthine with many dead-end pockets. Verdigrix has used these to trap her breath and create noxious kill zones should the elves (or those apes) invade her home. Verdigrix still has a small hoard (by her standards) of remaining treasure plus trinkets she has managed to take over the years:
- Piles of ancient coins stamped with the Fey Kings and Queens of Ambiryiulin (30,000 electrum, 40,000 gold)
- An oxidized silver necklace with small carnelians and garnets (600gp)
- Matching rose gold pendant and earrings set with topaz and sapphires (700gp)
- A personalized (in Elvish: “To Myriani, my one treasure”) silver charm bracelet with tanzanite and pearls (800gp)
- A golden lariat with pieces of pink coral and blue topaz (900gp)
- Set of gold diamond and purple ametrine earrings and necklace (1000gp)
- Twin gold bracelets studded with small diamonds around larger peridots (1100gp)
- Blue topaz and pearl earrings (1200gp)
- Gold chandelier earrings with pearls and emeralds (1300gp)
- Small model of the Palace at Tanathil with real opals (1400gp)
- Gold bracers inlaid with lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl in the shape of intertwining dragons (1500gp)
- A silver and gold scepter with alexandrite and spinels in spiral patterns (1600gp)
- A silver and gold crown with dumortierite “pearls” set around around emeralds (1700gp)
But Verdgirx’s most important treasures are her two, young wyrms (HP 29, 27) that hatched from eggs she managed to save in her escape from the elves. They will soon seek out their own lairs with their mother’s blessing.
3345 Wyrmhunt Glade (Special Resource)
The hunting in this remote part of the woods is very good, due to a crystalline stream that flows from a waterfall in the nearby mountains. However, Verdigrix the green and her two young wyrms (Hex 3244) feed on the animals (and any foolish hunters) that stray into this area.
A domain that controls this hex (and defeats or drives off Verdigrix and her get) will gain an animal-based resource of meat and hides that is worth 10-100% more (GM’s discretion) than typical resources of their type.
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The peacefulness of the glade belies its danger (AI image courtesy of NightCafe.) |
3537 Akkha (Village, Pop. 200)
Akkha is a walled village of wooden houses on stilts in the vicinity of the first oasis from Sargos on the caravan trail through the Endless Waste. The original settlers of Akkha were outcasts from Sargos and T’jun tribes, including elderly too old to ride their desert lizards, which found their way to the nourishing waters of the oasis and stayed. The village serves travelers with a caravanserai and has had to pay tribute to whatever T’jun tribe dominates the area for generations. Currently, it is a fierce tribe loyal to Axam, the High Priest of Sargos. Any who don’t keep their head down and pay any dues to Sargos, my find themselves taken prisoner and sold off.
Akkha is also the home of the aging sage Ephemetrios (8th-level Cleric, AL L,) a former monk of the Lords of Law who has made it his life’s work to study the region. Like the oasis, he is a veritable fountain of knowledge about the Endless Waste, its ruins, and the T’jun tribes.
Recently, people who have drunk from the waters of the oasis have started to show signs of sickness. The village’s T’jun authority has tasked Ephemetrios with finding an answer, but so far he has come up with nothing. It may be a rival tribe that has poisoned the well, so to speak, or something more insidious, perhaps underground.
3631 The Tower of Lahrja (Ruin)
An immense, spiral tower emerges from the red sands here by the shadow of the mountains. Easily dismissed as a mirage, the tower is a real and ancient place; believed to be a piece of the City of Humankind.
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The Tower of Lharja may hold secrets from the City of Humankind (AI image courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Those who approach the tower (within a 24-mile area) will soon encounter the M’djai, a subtribe of the T’jun and holy order (treat as dervishes) that considers the tower part of their territory, as well as their sacred charge. They believe that it is their duty to protect the ancient secrets and treasures within from those who would foolishly try to rebuild the City of Humankind (or any large city in the desert,) and thereby incur the Dragon Father’s wrath.
It may be difficult, if not impossible to convince the M’djai to allow anyone in the tower. However, the holy order is the sworn enemy of the chaotic High Priest Axam, and an alliance against the tyrant of Sargos may earn their trust and friendship.
The inside of the tower is essentially a museum to the wonder of a time before recorded memory. The tower also holds many dangers, such as ancient automata (golems, animated statues,) squatting monsters, and even structural hazards. Treasures and artifacts of ancient origin also abound.
Many of the statues, bas reliefs, and other artworks related to early worship of the Dragon Father are invaluable to the Church and could easily be worth a king’s ransom. Alternatively, any lord or holy patriarch possessing these in their castle or temple would gain a positive reputation as a devout ruler, and enjoy a bonus (10% or GM’s discretion) to diplomatic interactions with other rulers in the Marklands, as well as the clergy of Law. Visitors and pilgrims may arrive from far off to see the wonders.
A tapestry in Level 2, Room 12 of the Temple of the Snake Cult holds a clue to this location, the M’djai, and the existence of the dragon Furnathax (Hex 3939.)
3902: Soderstrand (Town, Pop. 5,200)
Soderstrand is a prosperous trade town on the banks of the Dragon’s Tongue North. It is blessed with good surrounding land, plentiful fishing, and considered the cosmopolitan gateway to the Barbarian North under the wise rule of Jarl Freyda Arnesdottir (9th-level fighter, AL L.)
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The Widow Jarl is a known heroine and just ruler surrounded by enemies (AI image courtesy of NightCafe.) |
Despite the current civil conflict, Jarl Freyda has managed to remain neutral, shrewdly pointing out that all the Jarls need the flow of trade and gold through her territory to fund their wars for Altking.
Freyda was the wife of the town’s previous Jarl Wulfhere. The two had met in their youth as adventurers, where they achieved great fame by slaying the white dragon menace, Fafnjard. She ceded the privilege of challenging the previous Jarl to her husband, content to retire, raise babies, and advise her beloved. Alas, like Dorna and Woaden, their union had not been blessed with children yet when tragedy struck.
One day, a mysterious challenger came to face Jarl Wulfhere. Freyda warned her husband not to accept the challenge, for the stranger came unbidden, unknown, and with no deeds or followers to his name. Her husband ignored her insightful advice, but only because he knew things were becoming tense between the Jarls in the kingdom and he could not afford any loss of face.
The stranger fought with extraordinary speed and skill, but Jarl Wulfhere was stronger. Still, to Freyda’s horror, the Jarl suddenly stopped fighting, bleeding profusely from multiple wounds, then fell dead.
Many a former Jarl’s spouse leaves for the safety of their clan and family, marries the new Jarl, or challenges him or her for the position, for such is the way of the Northmen, after the new Jarl has had an honorable amount of time to recuperate.
Freyda stayed after her husband’s funeral and watched the usurper during the crowning and celebration feast. Something was wrong with this one, and her husband’s death was suspicious. Later that night, she tracked the usurper as he was trying to discretely leave town. She confronted him and it hissed, revealing its true form as a doppelganger.
They fought under the waning moonlight. She took care to avoid the creature’s blades, which she was sure were poisoned. Seeing an opportunity, Freyda feinted and then swung around, slicing the creature’s head off. There was no way to identify who the creature was, but it had a token engraved with a skeletal woman. Freyda had heard of this symbol before, which meant the creature was a dishonorable assassin, but who sent him?
Freyda had no time to ponder the question, as she fended off multiple challengers for Jarldom of Soderstrad. She bested them all and became Jarl. Barely a year or so into her new position, the Altking dies and civil war erupts. She knows her husband’s death had something to do with this, but has no evidence other than the token. It was clear someone was trying to plant a favorable Jarl in Soderstrand.
The town is filling with refugees fleeing south and it has become a hotbed of intrigue with agents of the Jarls around every corner. There are many rumors floating about Jarl Freyda. One, that she is biding her time and waiting for the other Jarls to weaken, then use her town’s wealth to fund her own bid for Altqueen. Another, that she remains loyal to the dead Altking and helped an heir of his escape south (it is an heir’s right to challenge one day, which is why many ruthless Jarls make sure they never get that chance.) And the worst one, that she has forsaken her native gods and converted to worship the Lords of Law. Some or all of these may be true, or merely lies meant to undermine her rule. Regardless, Jarl Freyda does not know how long she can keep Soderstrand neutral especially when one of the Jarls begins to emerge as a clear victor in the war.
3939 Rocks of the Red (Lair)
Among a set of impossibly tall rock formations that emerge from the red sands is the lair of Furnathax, an ancient red dragon (HP 175).
Furnathax’s original home was the Tower of Lahrja (Hex 3631.) It drove away (or incinerated) any M’djai tribesmen that dared to defend the ancient structure. Once settled there, it amassed a substantial hoard from the treasures within, tribute from the T’jun tribesmen, as well as any unfortunate caravans lost in the waste after one of the massive red sandstorms of the area.
It was not until a holy order of Templars of Law, questing for pieces of the City of Humankind, arrived in the vicinity of the Tower that things changed. The Templars first came into conflict with the M’djai, who still guarded the Tower from afar. A young Templar acolyte, and squire named Ephemetrios (see the village of Akkha in hex 3527,) held off a score of M’djai after his mentor fell; the banner of the Holy Triad still held aloft in his left hand. The M’djai were so impressed that they spared the young acolyte and took him hostage.
Ephemetrios had a sharp mind and wisdom beyond his years. He was able to quickly pick up the T’jun language, which was a dialect of the High Dragon tongue used in holy scripture; this further earned their respect. He was then able to negotiate between the T’jun and his Templar order. The two groups formed an alliance to drive away Furnathax from the Tower of Lahrja.
The alliance was success. Despite many losses, the courage of both M’djai and Templars (and their ballistae) overwhelmed Furnathax, and forced the dragon to abandon the Tower. In recompense, the M’djai allowed the Templars (now down to less than a score) inside the Tower, with sacred vows to leave the structure untouched and never return. After that wondrous visit, the Templars departed, forever changed by the religious experience. However, Ephemetrios decided to stay and live among the M’djai to learn their ways.
In the intervening years, Furnathax sheltered in the rock formations of the southern Waste, and slept to heal his hurts. The red wyrm has slowly amassed a hoard once again by extorting tribute and meals from caravans either directly, or through subjugation of the local T’jun. Recently, emissaries of the High Priest in Sargos (Hex 3135) have made overtures to the mighty dragon, and he is seriously considering their offer.
Furnathax’s lair high above in a rock formation is reachable only by the most expert climbers (or flight). The formation is riddled with several, maze-like tunnels (some inhabited by other creatures friendly to the dragon, such as wyverns,) which may, or may not lead to the dragon’s central chamber. This natural sanctum is where the red wyrm sleeps among his unimaginable wealth:
· 85,000 pieces of silver
· 10,000 platinum coins
· 16 azurites and tiger eye agates worth 10 gold each
· 20 sardonyx, zircons, and pieces of chrysoprase worth 50 gold each
· 30 garnets and chrysoberyls worth 100 gold each
· 20 larger garnets and spinels worth 500 gold each
· Two (2) fire opals, two (2) ordinary opals, and a star sapphire worth 1,000 gold each
· A patinaed, copper choker with set howlite and pearls worth 900 gold
· A string of rainbow moonstones with three purple labradorites worth 1,000 gold
· Two (2) oxidized silver bracers: one with pyrite around an onyx, and another with an amethysts and topazes (worth 1,000 gold each)
· Combination silver nose and earring set with alexandrite and joined by a string of small pearls worth 1,000 gold
· Two (2) silver rings: one with an onyx surrounded by purple ametrines, and another with a spinel, and small turquoises (worth 1,200 gold each)
· Dragon-shaped silver ear crawlers with angelite “scales” and topaz eyes worth 1,400 gold
· A golden brooch with a set alexandrite turquoises worth 1,500 gold
· An ancient gold pendant with a large garnet surrounded by milky blue calcite worth 1,500 gold
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Beware the rock formations in the southern Waste (adapted from AI images courtesy of NightCafe.) |
4015 House of the Lord-of-All-Cats (Special Lair)
The forests in this hex are temperate year-round, despite the season. As one travels toward the mountains, the climate warms until it becomes almost tropical. Within this section of the forest is a vine-covered, crumbling temple of unknown origin. Many types of cats – from ordinary house cats to a few large predators, lounge, play, or wander about in peace among themselves, along with a few (1d4) human caretakers (actually weretigers.) Both the cats and caretakers tend to reflect the mood of their liege, the Lord-of-All-Cats, and may not be immediately hostile.
Inside the temple, the Lord-of-All-Cats holds court from a dais and carved throne of black meteorite. The powerful nature spirit and legendary were creature has existed here for longer than human or (even demihuman) memory.
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Mind your manners in the House of the Lord-of-All-Cats (AI images courtesy of NightCafe.) |
In human form, he is
a dark-skinned man with a scar across a missing, right eye. Despite his formidable appearance, he is
usually jovial - even playful, and mischievous; always a little enigmatic. He can adopt the shape of any cat at will, but
prefers the form of a black, saber-toothed tiger with luminous silver stripes when hunting,
or in combat. His coat in this form has
a supernatural, light-absorbing, and camouflage effect (5-in-6 surprise
chance.) His strength, speed, and agility is preternatural in any form.
Unlike other were creatures, the Lord-of-All Cats is unaffected by wolfsbane, or silver weapons, but magic weapons, and spells can still harm him. In addition, he can summon cats, weretigers, and cast spells as a 9th-level cleric.
AL: Neutral
AC: 0 [20,] (6 [14] in human form)
ATK: 2 claws/bite (DMG 1d8/1d8/2d8)
Hit Dice: 10 (HP 80)
MV: 15
SAVE: 5 (or as elf)
SPECIAL: Surprise, summon, immunities, spells
Should any adventurers posses, and return his Eye (see Level 2, Room 18 of the Temple of the Snake Cult,) the Lord-of-all-Cats may bestow upon them one, or more of these boons (at the GM’s discretion):
· A reward from his treasury (within reason.)
· The arguable blessing of weretiger lycanthropy, should they desire it.
· A weretiger henchman (possibly Nathaniel, Asher, or Sariya from Hex 3011, if they are present.)
In addition, each will receive a charm with his symbol, which grants safe passage through the Wild Timberland as well as shelter in his temple.
The feline Lord’s rich treasury includes:
· Coinage: 12000 copper, 4000 silver, and 4000 electrum
· Gems: two (2) pieces of smoothed obsidian worth 10 gold each, two (2) milky-green, carved pieces of jade worth 100 gold each
· A gold bracelet with emeralds and a black opal worth 1000 gold
· Gold ear crawlers with the initials “I.E.” in mother-of-pearl and blue zircons worth 1200 gold
· A silver cat medallion with dumortierite face and set onyx eyes worth 1000 gold
· A gold gorget with opals and pieces of hued coral worth 1200 gold
· A breastplate of magical leather armor, with a draped leopard hide (+1 bonus to AC; allows a character to camouflage and hide in the wilderness as an elvish cloak)
· A magical hide shield (+1 bonus to AC, 50% chance to deflect non-magical missiles; 25% magical ones)
A magic scroll of protection against
were-creatures (its foolish owner never had a chance to use it)
If the adventurers refuse to return his Eye, then they have earned a powerful enemy; one that can easily send hunting cats and weretigers to track them through the wilds and beyond. The feline Lord himself cannot venture further than the 24 mile area around his temple.
Should a character kill him, and replace one of their eyes with his, they will become the new Lord-of-All Cats, with a progressive alignment change to Neutral as the spirit subsumes their mind and personality. Alas, they are forever bound to the temple’s area.
4143: Domain of the Hillmen (Lair)
A valley nestled in the mountain foothills conceals the home territory of pagan hill tribes that call the harsh territory of the Teeth their domain and have resisted encroachment for centuries. However, the Kings of Erda, in their growing prosperity, have slowly but surely pushed them from their ancestral hills to the inhospitable badlands north.
Their current overchief, Cernn (8th-level fighter, HP 46, AL N) has managed to whip their disparate clans into a united front to make war on the people of Erda: first against unsuspecting hillsteaders, then on the farmers of the valley south. This bloody campaign of savagery and slaughter prompted the King himself to go on a crusade against them, but Cernn is wise and does confront the King’s host directly, instead choosing to nip at his army's flanks with guerrilla raids to bleed it slowly. During one of these raids, Cernn's forces managed to ambush and capture the King himself.
Cernn had long ago been approached by agents of the King’s brother, who gifted the hill chieftain with gold and promises of returned territory, as well as information on the King’s forces. In exchange, Cernn was to capture the King and hold him indefinitely, as the monarch's death would set in motion matters of succession that could complicate things. The son of the Lord of Oakhamshire, a skillful yeoman who guided the King’s forces through the treacherous hills, was close to discovering the spy, but was slain in the ambush for his trouble as he sought to warn the King.
Cernn’s hold is an ancient, crumbling redoubt of indeterminate origin that guards a fortified camp of 180 able-bodied hillmen and 720 noncombatants. His men are adept at navigating the rough territory of the Teeth and nearby hills, surprising enemies on a 3-in-6 chance with short bows, hand axes and short swords (as nomads, with 20% of a force being berserkers.) Cernn’s second-in-command, Mannach (5th level fighter, HP 27, AL N) often leads these scout and patrol bands. He coats his weapons in deadly. purple mandrake poison, which he carries on his person. It has 1d6 uses remaining if taken from him.
Cernn himself possesses an ancient, runed +1 hand axe made of bronze and a short sword. He wears no armor on his heavily-tattooed frame, because it is said that he made a pact with the Crone of the Hills, and cannot be killed by ”any blade forged of man.” What exactly this means, and what Cernn gave up or promised the Crone for this gift, is left for the GM to determine.
The King of Erda currently languishes in a cavernous cell under Cernn’s hold. Well-guarded and kept alive, but not necessarily comfortable.
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
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