Monday, May 1, 2023

Dungeon23 (Bonus): Rumors in Alkastra

The taverns of Alkastra are abuzz with rumors and hearsay (AI image courtesy of NightCafe.)

Rumor Table (d6)

1-2 Temple of the Snake Cult

3-4 City of Alkastra (not recommended for basic-level characters)

5-6   The Northern Marklands (not recommended for basic-level characters)


Temple of the Snake Cult Rumors (d20)

1.       The Snake Cult brought both treasure and horrors from distant lands in large urns.  (True)

2.       The Temple of the Snake Cult is lousy with vicious little mongrelfolk that will try to ensnare you with ambushes and cunning traps.  (True)

3.       Inside the Temple of the Snake Cult is a bronze cage where they kept their most valuable hostages.  There might still be jewels with those unfortunate bones.  (False)

4.       The Snake Cult sometimes kept snakes inside their unholy altars, but surely they must be all dead by now.  (False)

5.       Did you hear about Selonius?  The Watch was looking for him and his crew on smuggling charges, but the sly old dog fled to the hills before they could catch him.  (True)

6.       The priests of the Snake Cult were entombed with their treasures, but guarded with traps and watched by the undead. (True)

7.       Those who delve deep into the Temple of the Snake Cult may fall to the vicious traps of the hobb-men that dwell within.  (True)

8.       The Snake Cult’s High Priest had a magic mirror that told him the future.  (Mostly false, but partially true)

9.       The Snake Cult used to embalm their precious dead, others they would just dump in a cavern below to become food for their priests. (Disgustingly true)

10.   The priests of the Snake Cult enjoyed many luxuries and pleasures in their Temple.  They even had their own bathhouse!  (True)

11.   The Snake Cult had an inner sanctum where they enjoyed the most decadent, forbidden pleasures.  I imagine naught is left of those lucky revelers save their shades.  (True)

12.   The Snake Cult sometimes hid their treasures behind sorcerous illusions, but once past these it is safe to take the wealth. (Partially true, but also dangerously false)

13.   I heard the leader of the hobb-men below the Temple is rather reasonable, for a monster. (Mostly false)

14.   Under the Temple is a library of valuable works, but they can never be taken from this room.  (Partially true)

15.   Be wary of passing through the gaze of the Snake God!  It will weaken the heroic of heart!  (True)

16.    Giant insects live in the caves under the Temple of the Snake Cult.  (True)

17.   The members of the Snake Cult were degenerate anthropophages.  They had burly, mongrel servants that butchered and served human flesh to their masters.  (True)

18.   Don’t go to sleep in the caves under the Temple!  Glowing snakes will enter your mouth and you’ll never be the same again!  (Partially true)

19.   Beware giant fish with pearls in their mouths!  (True)

20.   Those who make the arduous climb into a gorge behind the Temple of the Snake Cult may find secret caves that lead inside.  (True)


Alkastra Rumors (d20):

1.       Pay decent coin at the Caravanserai, and your animals and goods will be safe (True)

2.       Jumal the Moneylender is an easy mark to rob; barely any guards at his place. (False)

3.       Watch your pockets and purse when you’re at the Marketplace! (True)

4.       Jumal is a dishonest moneylender.  He will never deal with you straight! (Mostly false, but partially true)

5.       The Captain of the Watch is looking for someone to help solve that terrible murder near the marketplace.  Mythras bless his kind heart!  (True)

6.       Hrefna’s rooms are pretty quiet and private, for a place in the Crumbles.  (False)

7.       If you can’t afford the Temple of Law, you can get help for your ailments at Hildegaard’s.  I heard she even has special herbs for “cleaning” if you’re connected.   (True)

8.       You can get the best weapons and armor at that dwarf Grent’s shop.  That’s why even the Regent and his men buy from him.  (True)

9.       I got fleas sleeping at Hrefna’s Flophouse, but at least I didn’t get robbed. (True)

10.   I saw that pretty daughter of the Veriseys down in the River Quarter.  I hope she didn’t get hurt there.  (True)

11.   I heard old Nar the beast seller is at the Pearl looking to pay folks for a job.  (True)

12.   I got my fortune told at the Street of Shrines, and it came true!  (Partially true)

13.   Remi Verisey may be a drunk and a lotus-smoker, but he tried to stop that poor old prophet from getting murdered.  (False)

14.   Zirhan the Astrologer is a kindly soul.  That’s why so many people go to see him to have their stars read. (False)

15.   Don’t go to the Graveyard at night.  It’s the dead’s time.  (True)

16.   Good, strong Northmen for hire in that camp past the North Gate.  They’ll work for cheap too!  (True)

17.   I heard that “minotaur” champion in the Pit is just a burly man wearing a bull’s head.  I’m going to bet against him next match.  (False)

18.   If you get caught by the Watch, they’ll send you to work at the Regent’s Farms, and if you make a fuss, you get sold to the Veriseys for their mines!  (True)

19.   Deep in the Swamp, you can find the Crone if you have the heart and bollocks for it.  She’ll grant ye a favor for a price.  (True)

20.   I heard that wanted pirate, Zeke Forest is spending a lot of time in the swill shops of the Downs, but bring steel if you head there.  (True)


Rumors of the Northern Marklands (d20)

  1.  The Patriarch of Sargos keeps the town orderly and safe for pilgrims of the faith. (False)
  2. In the northern periphery of the Feywood Forest, there is the tomb of a great king with treasures ripe for the taking!  (False)
  3. Good profit to be made on the route from Avoney to Oakhamshire.  (False)
  4. The first oasis in Akkha on the road to the Endless Waste is a safe place to stay and supply for the journey. (Somewhat false)
  5. It's not safe for dwarves in Avoney anymore.  A few were taken in the night!  (True)
  6. There is a piece of the ruined City of Humankind two days or so southwest of Akkha.  (True, but this is a fatally wrong location)
  7. Those halflings over the Mantle Hills to the northwest are very friendly and welcoming to outsiders. (Currently false)
  8. Oakhamshire is no longer safe to trade in.  The Baron's men will take you for everything you have, or send you to the dungeon!  (Currently true)
  9. The dwarves in the mountains north of the Feywood have a fabulous hall where they make high quality arms for a reasonable cost.  (No longer true)
  10. Legend has it that he Lord-of-all-Cats lost his Eye, but it still exists.  Surely he would grant a boon to anyone that can return it. (True)
  11. In the woods across the river south of Avoney, there is a ruin full of faerie folk that sometimes grant wishes.  (False)
  12. We passed a handful of wrecks on the forested side of the river north of the Highlands.  I wonder if there was good salvage.  (True)
  13. Oakhamshire is an excellent place to trade, and the Lord of the town is fair and just.  (Currently false)
  14. The ruined Castle Delwynn near the Dread Mire has great treasures stored high above in its tower. (Mostly false)
  15. People have been disappearing around the North Highlands.  (True)
  16. There is a peaceful meadow full of fat herds southwest of the Riverwatch Hills (Partially true.)
  17. There are fruit orchards past the North Highlands where the locals are real friendly.  (Mostly false)
  18. The Jarl of Soderstrand is a secret convert to the Lords of Law, and wants to spread the faith in the barbarian north.  (False)
  19. Watch yourself in Soderstrand; Jarls’ spies are everywhere. (True)
  20. If you want a pegasus mount, it’s easy to catch one in the Wildwood a day or so south by river from Avoney.  (Slightly true.)

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