Friday, March 10, 2023

Dungeon23: Week 9

Level 3 – Area A


Level Notes:

Light: The caverns are pitch-dark except where noted.  There are torch sconces (unlit) at the end of stairs and in transition areas between caverns and built rooms. 

Doors: Doors in the cavern are placed in walls made of wood timbers with support beams on the cavern walls and are stuck.  Doors in built rooms are the same as doors in the upper levels except where noted.

Cover: The cavern areas have multiple stalagmites and other rock formations.  Assume there are around 1d6 of these large enough to use as cover in any cavern chamber.


Room 1

The baern-men, which are cunning despite their brutish appearance, have rigged the entrance to the southern tunnel with a tripwire that causes a wooden ledge above to dump rocks on victims for 4d6 points of damage (save against breath for half.)

Room 2

The baern-men in Room 3 have dumped previous victims of the trap in Room 1 in the southwest corner of this chamber.  Two (2) giant (tiger) beetles (HP 18, 8) are feasting on the bodies.

The bodies have been stripped of valuables with the exception of a parchment. (Note: this may be a map to areas in Level 2, or some other clue or warning about a place in Level 3; TBD)

Room 3: Baern-man Camp

This chamber is an outpost of the baern-men, which guard access to their living areas beyond.  Six (6) of them (HP 10, 11, 13, 11, 13, 15) huddle around a humanoid leg cooking on a spit in a fire.  As mentioned previously, the baern-men are large, furry offshoots of the gobb and hobb-men.  They wear leather masks and studded jerkins, that on closer inspection, seem to be made from humanoid skin and bone.

If the baern-men hear the rock trap in Room 1 and/or loud fighting in Room 2, they will douse their fire and send one to investigate while the others take positions to hide and ambush intruders.

There is a pile of weapons and equipment belonging to the bodies in Room 2 in a corner: a mace, two swords, a dagger, a polearm, two suits of chain mail (one is enchanted with a +1 to AC,) a magic shield (+1 to AC,) coins (4250 copper, 5100 silver) in sacks, and a backpack with a book of spell formulae (dance lights, shielding, area of darkness,) a small hammer, waterskin, small mirror, six iron spikes, and a bunch of wolfsbane in a pouch.

A large rock to the north acts as a secret door the baern-men use to avoid triggering the trap in Room 1.  It can be moved with a check to open stuck doors.

Room 4: Fungal Barrage

Sections of the chamber are covered in six (6) masses of cratered, fungal pods that pulsate slowly as if breathing.  Living creatures that get too close (within 10 feet) cause the pods to inflate; expelling a hail of calcareous needles from their craters which cause 2d4 points of damage (save against breath for half.)  The fungus reproduces and grows on creatures killed by the needles.

The baern-men have cultivated the deadly fungus to protect a small, underground stream beyond, which is their water source.  The fungus colony is semi-intelligent and has an “understanding” with the baern-men.

Room 5: The Gorgon Sisters

The cavern floor in this chamber is dotted with strangely-shaped stalagmites.  Upon closer inspection, it looks like someone carved these stalagmites into rough, humanoid statues.  One can make out humans and demi-humans as well as some hobb and oor-men in various poses.  

This is the lair of two (2) sister medusae (HP 22, 16) possibly from the vats of the Cult’s flesh-crafters or perhaps creatures of a more ancient origin.  They are tasked eternally with guarding the way to the Inner Sanctum (Area D.)

If the medusae surprise any intruders, one will attempt to stay just at the edge of any light, curl around one of the statues (to hide its lower serpentine portion,) and play the part of a crying, grieving woman, while the other ambushes intruders with a short bow.  If they are surprised, they will flee into the shadows and attempt the same ruse.  Otherwise, they drop all pretenses and attack with their bows while petrifying enemies that get too close.

A door in the eastern portion, garishly painted with eye patterns, leads to a rough room that serves as the personal chambers of the medusae sisters.  It is decorated in a mockery of ancient, palatial luxury, with curtains painted in similar garish patterns as the door, mismatched finery, and moldy old pillows.  Scattered among the ludicrous accouterments, are piles of gold (3500,) a gold chalice (worth 90 gold) filled with various gems (400 gold,) a string of pearls (120 gold,) and a jeweled, silver bracelet (120 gold.)

Room 6: Hangman

The northeast corner of this chamber has the remains of an old campsite.  There are a few threadbare bedrolls, collapsed pup tents, and the cold ashes of an old fire.  A game of “hangman” is scratched on the wall, which the player seems to have lost.  The uncompleted word, “_LO_SNA_E”, spells “glowsnake”.  It is a clue to Room 7; anyone camping in this room is in danger (see below.)

Room 7: Uppaz Snake Hatchery

This chamber has a dull, bio-luminescent glow, which is coming from writhing masses of snake or eel-like creatures on parts of the floor and cavern walls.  The “snakes” appear to be harmless – they do not attack or otherwise react.  Their real danger is to sleeping creatures.  Characters sleeping in this chamber or Room 7 will find themselves under attack by 4d4 of these creatures.

The Uppaz snake is a parasite that crawls towards a sleeping or otherwise immobile and/or unconscious creatures, with a four-in-six chance of surprise.  It begins to force itself into the mouth while constricting the throat for purchase.  This process takes 1d6 rounds.  

Once inside the body, the Uppaz snake takes over the victim’s motor functions and turns them into a maddened berserker.  The Uppaz snake does not kill the host. Therefore, it is possible to destroy the parasite via spell, potion, or other magic device that cures diseases; provided one manages to subdue and restrain the berserk host first.

Uppaz snake: AC 6 [13]; ATK 1; DMG special; HD ¼ (HP 1d4); MV 16; SAVE 18 (or as warrior); SPECIAL 4-in-6 surprise, constrict/infection; AL N; XP 15 (or HD + specials.)

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